Robert Mariazeta is a 2D Animator that works in ToonBoom Harmony and Adobe Animate. Along with rigged animation, he can animate traditionally, and has some experience in 3D with Maya and Blender. After graduation Cogswell Polytechnical College in 2015 he got a job in Halifax, Nova Scotia to start work in the Animation Industry. After spending some time there and getting experience, he went back to California to make his mark in LA where he works now.
Driven to create and to entertain, he’s ready for the next challenge. With an unlikely mix of artistic and technical knowledge, and a desire to teach, Robert seeks not only to make, but to help others achieve their potential on whatever team he works on.
Past Studio Experience Include:
Copernicus Studio
Moving Colour
Oddbot Inc.
Warner Bros Animation
Green Portal Productions
If you’d like to contact me for inquires about work, or just to get in touch, send me a message below: